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" When I got certified as a personal trainer in 2009 I was full of energy and excitement. I was ready to train anyone, anywhere, any time. When I got my first job (after struggling to even get that) I was shocked and confused to find out that I now needed to sell my own personal training packages. It made me want to quit. I was not a "sales person", I was a Personal Trainer! 

Through major changes in my mindset, education and experience I persevered. I created systems that worked for me and my non-aggressive personality. I became so good I actually was promoted to a manager role in the company. Eventually, starting my own personal training studio in Culver City and a virtual personal training brand. Now, I want to build The Personal Trainer Hustle in order to help personal trainers that might find themselves in the same position I was in back in 2009. If you aren't sure where to begin with your fitness brand or company. I hope to be a resource to you as others were for me on my journey to my fitness business success." - Sam


It may be answered in an upcoming episode!


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